Using astrology as a tool, when selecting and trading stocks, can be quite profitable To be successful, however, You will need an accurate natal chart and that isn't always easy.


Others have used the date of the initial public offering or of the date of the original incorporation for the natal chart, but I have had tar better results from the date of the most recent incorporation. After all, after a reincorporation, the original incorporation chart is no longer valid. The initial public offering chart does seem to work when a stock has recently gone public, but it loses its power after a few years of new offerings, splits, etc. So, I suggest that you work only with the chart of the most recent. incorporation.

The eight-volume set of standard and Poor Directories that can be found in the business section of most metropolitan libraries lists a date of incorporation for most stocks, but this data is often inaccurate. Still, these S & P Directories can be a place to start and to determine if you might be interested in the stock. They also list the corporate officers, the home office address of the company, etc.

Before you actually put your money into a stock, you will need accurate incorporation data from the company itself or from the Corporate Division of the appropriate Secretary of State's office. When writing to the company, you must reach the Corporate Secretary's office or the Legal Department. If your letter is forwarded to Stockholder Relations, you will receive beautiful brochures, but they do not have the information that you need. The Corporate Divisions of the various Secretaries of State have different requirements and fees, ranging from zero to ten dollars, for supplying corporate information, so it may be as easy as a single phone call or it may require a letter, money, and a wait, depending on the State of a company's incorporation and its requirements.

I have circa 3500 company incorporation dates in my files, so if you want, I can help you. It you only want two or three, I would supply them free-of-charge . but if you have a long list, I charge one dollar for each company. You can write or fax me: Carol Mull PO Box 11133 Indianapolis, Indiana, 46201-0133 Fax 317-353-6246.


My research has shown that the sun sign of an incorporation chart for a "S&P 500" company is twice as likely to be in Cancer as it is to be in Aries. The companies that make up the "S&P 500" fluctuate from year to year, but in descending order, the normal mix of incorporation sun signs of the "500" are Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries. If the Sun is not in Cancer or Capricorn, those signs are likely to be prominent in other ways in the chart. Also, a company with a preponderance of planets in mutable signs, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, will be too slow to take action.

Many of the "500" companies have Jupiter conjunct, trine, or sextile their Sun, which will make the company grow and grow. A company with progressed Sun approaching an aspect with natal Jupiter will have a period of expansion lasting about three years. Industry dominators often have Sun conjunct or trine Pluto for in business, Pluto can fully express in relation to the masses .

An important essential is that the moon be free from malefic aspects. Nearly all companies are dependent upon the public--either directly or indirectly--for the sale of their products, so the Moon must be in good condition, because in astrology the Moon indicates the people or the masses. A Saturn transit over a company's Moon will send its sales plunging downward, often due to bad publicity.

Any Saturn aspect to planets in the natal chart, especially the Sun or the Noon, is considered to be negative and will inhibit a company's growth. In contrast, Mars aspects tend to energize a company.


When you are satisfied that the company that you are considering has a basically good natal chart, you are ready to check the transits to its natal planets. This can be done from an Ephemeris (a book listing the daily positions of the planets) or by using an astrological computer program.

For trading, you need only consider the big happenings that will send the stock up or down significantly and you can pick up most of these by checking the transit positions of Jupiter and Saturn. If you were an employee, you might be interested in the lesser aspects that would reflect daily events, but as an investor, you want the big event that will MOVE the stock. Almost any aspect of Jupiter to a natal planet is positive and almost any aspect of Saturn to a natal planet is negative, but some are stronger than others.

The best trading aspect or all Is transit Jupiter conjunct or trine natal Mars or Uranus. This one will move a company's stock up for about a week prior until the aspect is exact. For longer sustained periods of upward mobility, look for Jupiter approaching an aspect to a group of planets, all within a few degrees of one another within the natal chart.

Pluto is the planet of takeovers. Transits of Pluto in aspect to the natal planets will often bring rumors of a takeover, but it will not actually happen unless the Pluto aspect is to the Sun. In the case of giant companies--too big to be taken over--these same Pluto transits have coincided with expansions into international markets, If there is also a Uranus aspect, the takeover is sudden and a complete surprise to the stockholders. If Neptune is involved, the company may experience a hostile takeover bid.

A Uranus transit, especially Uranus to Mercury, often correlates with the announcement of a stock split.

The Sun in a company chart represents the chief executive officer. Transit Saturn conjunct or square a company's Sun often coincides with the departure of the CEO.

Another interesting transit is Moon's North Node over a company's Sun. On the day that this is exact, the stock will rise, usually about two points, and then fall back into place the next day.


Successful option trading requires very good timing and this Is where astrology really "shines." That is, an approaching transit will cast its shadow before, so a stock may start moving up about a week before the aspect is exact. when it is exact, it is over, and you should sell that morning or the day before.

Different people have different approaches to option trading, but here is my strategy:

Options are offered on three hundred or so companies, but only about thirty of them have enough shares outstanding to really move at every little rumor or happening. These movers are the only ones that I consider: Of the thirty, I suggest that you pick about six and become very very familiar with their astrological charts. IBM and Microsoft are good choices.

Of course, the Jupiter and Saturn transits are the desired, but companies like IBM and Microsoft have so many shares trading that even a Moon transit to Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars can offer a quick profit. Again, I suggest that you become completely familiar with the charts of about six major companies. Watch all transits, including Moon and Mars, over the various natal planets and chart the company's stock prices. Between your major Jupiter or Saturn-based puts and calls, you can pick up a few hundred each week by Moon trading.


When trading stocks, astrology can be a tremendous help. both in timing price changes and in judging the potential of a company. To become skillful, however, requires considerable practice and experience, The use of astrology for selecting stocks should always be combined with a knowledge of what is happening to the market in general and with both technical and fundamental indicators.


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