FAQ #2

My Approach to Astrology and Trading

Q & A prepared for TRADENET Conference for Henry Weingarten, International Astrology Day, 9 PM EST, 3/20/1997.

1. Please post an introductory paragraph explaining what you do, how long you have been involved in the markets etc. to give readers some background information.

I am a financial astrologer and managing director of the Astrologers Fund, Inc. I have been involved in the markets since October 1987. I incorporated the Astrologers Fund, Inc on May 2, 1988 to take advantage of my forecast that "the next day astrology would be in the news." The next day, May 3 the Nancy Regan story on astrology made a great sensation in the press and I was interviewed on TV and by press numerous times just that week! Since that time, I have maintained a precise and accurate record both in market timing and global stock selection that is second to none. These include the Tokyo market crash, US Mideast war, gold reaching $400, both Mexican crises etc etc.

What is the secret of my success? Obviously my use of astrology!

2. Tell us a bit about your trading/investing style, how do you go about it?

Markets are based first on fundamentals, second, technicals and third, market psychology and market timing. Astrology is the study of the effects of time and is often defined as "a mathematical psychology based on astronomy". Hence it is a critical tool for charting market psychology and timing.

For investing I look primarily to fundamentals and technicals; when trading technicals and astrology. I usually take a top down approach: looking first to upcoming planetary themes and the horoscopes of countries, stock markets, sectors and then individual companies for selecting stocks. I then will confirm this from various alternative information sources whenever possible. Alternately, I may look at a market or stock that has been investigated fundamentally and/or technically to find if there is any astrological confirmation. I also use a proprietary pricing model for entry and exit in addition to my astrological time model.

For further information see my book investing by the stars (McGraw Hill) and my series on Trading by the Stars on Applied Derivatives Trading Site or hotlinked from afund weblinks.

3. How did you get started in this field?

I have been a professional astrologer since 1967. I became a financial astrologer in late 1987 after (a) reading about the 87 US market crash a year in advance (b) reading a story about Andy Krieger who made millions for Bankers Trust that year. I realized with a lightening flash of intuition (1) I could do at least that well or better using astrology and (2) astrology would get its mainstream acceptance through the markets. I then devoted the better part of the next two years to learning. I traded real money - alternately winning and losing small fortunes. How? By staring at a live market screen and correlating astrological data to various market phenomena and making every trading misteak in the book at least three to four times!

4. What are your profit objectives, and do you have a long-term or short term outlook?

Both - financial astrology is both a microscope and a telescope. I day trade, but I also invest with a 3-5 year horizon. Profit objectives vary depending on the portfolio. My goal is simply to outperform any and all equivalent risk/reward portfolios that do not use financial astrology as one of their management tools.

5. How about the downside, what risk tolerance do you have?

Usually 3-1, but if strong certainty, then 3-2.

6. What steps do you take to control the downside?

This varies depending on risk/reward, market volatility and the certainty of each trade. Basically two of the three trends (short, intermediate and long term) should be in the direction of my bet. I also vary the certainty factor. That is to say, I demand greater certainty for counter trend trades as well as those placed during greater market volatility.

Finally, my trading partner is empowered to "pull the trigger on me" if I can't convince him or her that the trade should be kept on even if not according to original plan.

7. Please describe the best and worst investments/trades you have made?

The best are the ones that make money precisely as planned; the worst were any that lost more than prudent money management would allow because of my insistence that "the market was wrong".

8. Trading/investing is a highly competitive endeavor, what gives you an edge in the market?

(1) I had excellent market mentors,

(2) I am a savvy, experienced market professional,

(3) My horoscope promises great success as a money manager, and

(4) Naturally my use of financial astrology provides quite an edge:

(a) It allows me to be prepared and profit from many market "surprises", earning "surprises", "unexpected" geo-political crises etc.

(b) Because astrology is the study of timing, it allows me to minimize wastage of time premium whether I am right or wrong in my forecast.

(c) Using astrology, I can "be there first'' - the trading motto of the Astrologers Fund.

(d) Because I have access to fine technical and fundamental analysts and first rate trading partners, I use them to confirm investment strategies. Hence the Astrologers Fund's investing motto; "Always a Stellar Performance."

9. Everyone is familiar with the old maxim "cut your losses, and let your profits run". Many traders have difficulty deciding when to capture their profits, sometimes letting a profit turn into a loss. What do you use to make a sell decisions to close a trade?

(A). "When in doubt, get out" especially when astrological and/or technical indicators no longer confirm the trade/investment. That is to say, I exit if I would no longer "Add to a winner", but instead start "Hoping for the best".

(B). I use a stop that is not primarily money management based, but determined positionally (or time wise) to indicate I may be wrong about my forecast. If financially acceptable, I enter the trade with this stop (time and price) and exit if hit, unless special situations indicate otherwise.

10. What advice can you give to someone who is just entering this field? what would you do to shorten the time and reduce the losses that are usually involved in the learning cycle?

Discover your own individual market style and which stocks/markets you are best with.

(1) Read many books and attend some investing/trading conferences.

(2) Then practice first with play money in real time after validating your system. Try a web site such as Audiotrack or the Stock Market Game .

(3) Apprentice yourself to someone who you respect if at all possible, and/or work with a very knowledgeable and money management oriented broker.

(4) Read my book Investing By The Stars and visit my website www.afund.com.

(5) Finally, see a professional astrologer to confirm whether entering the field is a good idea in the first place, and if so, whether it is a good time to start!!!

11. If you were to find a perfect trade, what would it be? Please describe what it takes for a trade to be lined up with "all its ducks in a row".

A score of 60. My time (astrology) indicators, entry price levels and my market sense indicators all three are a 10!!!! The same is true for my trading partner giving the trade or investment an optimal score of 60.

12. What one thought or idea would you like to close with?

Easy, a question for my audience:

"Can you afford NOT to have a financial astrologer in your future?"

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