edited by Robin Goldstein, Alexis Herschkowitsch, and Tyce Walters

The world’s bestselling guide to inexpensive wines

175 wines under $15 that beat $50+ bottles in blind tastings

The price of this book is naturally under $15 but is essentially “free” if it delivers on its promise. (Their part II wine list is a work in progress for me.) *  However, what is of much interest is the detailed exploration of their well known key premise: Wine price is NOT directly correlated with quality i.e., the price of wine may not significantly correlate with pleasure:  "When non-experts blind taste cheap and expensive wines they typically tend to prefer the cheaper ones." Part I consists of a number of informative chapters summarizing and discussing behavioral economics and neuroscience in wine tastings that is essential reading for any serious oenophile.  As  I agree with the majority of the premises, I will not list them here but encourage you to read them if you are unaware of the latest academic studies.**  Instead I offer one minor quibble and three suggestions for Wine Trials 2012:


Whether Wine Trials will eventually become a replacement for Parker’s Wine Bargains: The World’s Greatest Wine Values Under $25, I do not (yet) know.  I do know it is a worthy complement that deserves reading and merits tasting.

My closing comment to the editors: Both myself and my personal sommelier are available for tastings! :)

*Note one can also view a list of the “winners” on their website The Wine Trials for free.

** Interested readers are directed to the Journal of Wine Economics, the official journal of the AAWE.

***If you need a drink right away and you are waiting for your book order in the mail, the overall winner of 2011 Wine of the Year was Dr .L. Reisling (Loosen Brother, Germany) $12.

**** Chateau Moonshine? How the taste of wine is governed by the waxing and waning moon