Astrologers Fund Unit Investment Trusts

One of the more interesting "proofs" of financial astrology is its potential use in Unit Investment Trusts. These passively managed funds are held for a period of one year. Periodically we will post sample Afund UIT's. Note these assume units of $500,000 with a 2% management fee i.e. ~$490.000 to invest. Being astrologers, we naturally choose 12 stocks and will benchmark ourselves both against the DIJA and the "Dogs of the Dow" UIT.

Note: We start with a 2% handicap to take into consideration our fees and expenses, but not dividends and taxes, while DIJA and DIJA DOGS YTD % change figures do not include for dividends, commissions, or taxes.

The Dogs of the Dow UIT follows a simple strategy of investing in the ten highest divident-yeilding stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). It holds them for a period of approximately one year and then repeats this process annually.

The AFUND UIT follows a cosmic value strategy. Its looks for undervalued stocks that have positive horoscope indicators in the coming year. It attempts to balance members groups to anticipated market conditions and upcoming cosmic themes. It holds them for a period of one year or 18 months, and then repeats the process.

On 05/14 market closed at 9172, the Dow UP 16%,  Dow Dogs YTD, AFUND UIT UP 23.2%

AFUND 500K UIT selected 12/30/97 on the basis of forecasts for 1998. Status as of 07/07/98:
INDU DOW JONES 30790819085+14.88
OEX S & P 100459.941563.29+22.47
AFUND JAN. UIT500,0001560,962+12.18+560,96270,681

AFUND UIT Composite 07/07/98.
AJL Amway Japan9.25040005 7/1621,750(15,250)
BA Boeing48.93890047 13/1643,031(1,012)
BUS Greyhound3.688110006.0066,00025,437
CAT Catapillar48.50090053 15/1648,5434,893
COSFF Corell1.625200002 1/1641,2508,750>
ECO Echo Bay Mines2.438150002.25033,7502,812
GM General Motors60.75070069 11/1648,7816,256
ITA Italy Fund10.750400014 9/1658,25015,250
KF Korean Fund6.56360006 15/1641,6252,250
NOVL Novell7.500530012 7/1665,91826,168
ORCL Oracle22.313200022 7/845,7501,125
OXHP Oxford Health15.563300015 7/1646,312(375)

Monthly History
INDU DOW JONES 30790817906-00.83
OEX S & P 100459.941468.79-00.55
AFUND JAN. UIT500,0001526.550+05.31+526,55036,264

AFUND 500K UIT 02/27/98:
INDU DOW JONES 30790818545+08.05
OEX S & P 100459.941501.93+9.12
AFUND JAN. UIT500,0001573,025+14.60+573,02582,739

AFUND 500K UIT 03/31/98:
INDU DOW JONES 30790818799+11.26
OEX S & P 100459.941528.91+14.99
AFUND JAN. UIT500,0001578,134+15.62+577,76287,463


These forecasts are for demonstration purposes ONLY to show the value of financial astrology. Remember: Always check with your licensed financial advisor or broker before acting upon the recommendations of the Astrologers Fund. No specific recommendation is being made to buy or sell any security, future or option. Please read our  DISCLAIMER.

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