[02/13] We continue buying Homestake Mining (HM) and Newmont Mining (NEM), as well as recomending purchase of PHYSICAL gold (futures).
XAU closed 66.62.  After this month's rally, we are on hold till mid-Spring.

[02/08] We are very pleased that last Tuesday's Wall Street Journal gave the Classic Contarian Buy signal for Gold:  On the front page of their Money and Investing section was the headline - Gold loses its luster as an asset -
 "Good as gold isn't as good as it used to be".
Mark XAU at 65.72 (up 2 on that story! :))
Thank you WSJ.

Heads up that my technical outlook is extremely negative. Expect the move to be led down by silver. We may pop up for a day or two or even until 1st week in December (unlikely). The decline in gold's open interest is particularly dangerous. Have been very active buying out of the money puts across the entire complex. Would strongly suggest that you alert subscribers to identify and implement "sell stops" as I see a complete crash.

A: You are referring to the precious metals market, not the stock market as that comes later right? We will be again trading the Gold market starting next month. It should be making some sizeable movements. But then our intermediate term outlook is UP, not down. ANY big dip is for us, another buying opportunity. 

[10/20] Today is the semi-official beginning of the end for US dollar supremacy.

From our WSNW Alert 34A today: "...After today's news, our forecasted 16B+ US trade deficit for August, we are raising gold allocation for 1999 portfolios by 5%.". [Mark $297.90 and XAU 74.54] 


Why are you not updating your Gold Section. It is so outdated. What are you XAU projections short term? Has it found a bottom?

A: [09/09] Our recommendations remains the same: just continue to accumulate as time goes by.

Currently star picks are the majors: ABX, NEM and PDG.
On our watch list: Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP)and Anglo-Gold (AU).

Gold is super cheap insurance against both inflation AND a future declining US Dollar!

Excellent Risk/Reward to buying Gold over the intermediate and long term.

GOLD below $300 amazing - We see the XAU above 100 in 1999.

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